Indonesian Farmer Independent Animal Feed

For ‘Pemanfaatan Limbah Makanan pada Bahan Pembuatan Pelet Ikan Organik di Sekolah SMA Al Wafi IBS’ Practicum Report Scientific Paper

At February 15th 2023, we visited Aqsa Farm to learn things related to ‘Pemanfaatan Limbah Makanan pada Bahan Pembuatan Pelet Ikan Organik di Sekolah SMA Al Wafi IBS’ Scientific paper. We studied how to make food pellets and their development & its effect on the food economy in the Sentul area.
Aqsa Farm is a community built by Tazkia graduates, Mr.Dimas, and placed in Sentul city, Babakan Madang. Aqsa Farm has been officially established since 2020, but has been running since 2019. This community almost fell before being assisted by a former TNI named Mr. Harsono as head of the factory.
In general, Green wakaf is a waqf-based productive agricultural development program. Aqsa Farm uses green wakaf as the basis of a sustainable business or economic exchange chain with local farmers
Starting from ducks then quail birds, Aqsa Farm now has 4 types of animals that are raised; Quail bird, horse, rabbit and bee. The reason why they switch from duck, is because quail maintenance is easier than ducks and quail egg production is higher than ducks. Aqsa Farm now has 5,000 quails, but the problem concerning quail and its eggs, its price has decreased in the market because people prefer chicken eggs. This is also supported by the stigma that quail cholesterol is higher than chicken cholesterol.
Aqsa Farm is now focusing on making pellets from animal feces and organic waste such as ‘food court’ waste (bone waste) and plans to use the surrounding arable land to take ‘food forest’ (elephant grass, pakchong). These greens are believed to be effective in production and good at absorbing carbon.
The process of making pellets consists of several stages. The first stage is crushing, then continued with vibrating, flouring, mixing, molding and drying. Currently Aqsa Farm

only has 4 machines and dry their pellets up by using sunlight. But in future, Aqsa Farm plans to move the work area to Sukabumi, to enlarge the factory area and the number of machines, leaving the factory in Sentul City as an educational site.
The reason why Aqsafarm uses Green wakaf as the basis of its business is because of the large cost of food needs (around 72% -75%) from total cost of farming. Food ingredients that are popularly used today are still imported goods, such as MEAT BONE MEAL from Australia and fish flour.
Later Aqsa Farm utilizes waste, especially food court waste, quail egg shells and others to make animal feed which is 97% composed from them, then sells it at low prices to poor, young and growing farmers. This will benefit farmers who do not have a large budget. The head of the aqsa farm factory, Mr. Harsono, also provides an opportunity for poor farmers by lowering the price of cheap animal feed again to match the capital they have.
Currently, Aqsa Farm plans to increase its quail livestock to 15000 and open a food forest and ‘warung tenda’ for their target families. The obstacle currently faced by AqsaFarm is that the demand for feed is very high, reaching 12 tons, while the feed income that can be produced is only around 7 tons. This caused Aqsa Farm to schedule poor farmers to receive cheap feed in rotation.
‘Pemanfaatan Limbah Makanan pada Bahan Pembuatan Pelet Ikan Organik di Sekolah SMA Al Wafi IBS’ SCIENTIFIC PAPER JOURNAL.
TEAM: Najla Al Zahra, Nur Thahura Qatrunnada, Adriyanti Nurul Ariandini MENTOR TEACHER: Fortin Sri Haryani, M.Pd, Nurlela STP

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